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Friday 6 March 2009

Harbingers of spring

Just a quick update as I haven’t posted in a while. The weather until the end of February stayed fine, with some warm sunshine. Above you can see the cats basking in the sunshine. On the 1st March the rain returned and it did not stop until yesterday. Today the sun returned and the first harbingers of spring have arrived. Below you see the almond trees which we planted last winter are starting to flower for the first time.

The early plum tree is also just bursting into bloom. We planted a bed of peas today and did a bit more digging. The lettuces in the poly tunnel have started growing, the broad beans are in flower and everywhere are signs of life. With all that water, we’re going to have to start fighting the weeds soon. The forecast is for sunshine and warm temperatures for the next few days. Hope this is going to be more or less the end of the winter; it seemed long, damp and grey.

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