
Friday, 1 April 2011

Wild food ban!!!!!!!

I am hoping this is not a particularly bad April Fools joke, but please, please read this blog post on new EU laws, preventing me from continuing this blog and do as much as you can to prevent and if necessary defy this law.  It's an outrage and a travesty.


  1. Dear Sir: We have been under these archaic laws here in Canada for almost 10 years now. I can't sell anything not cooked in a certified, licensed approved kitchen, same goes for meat and milk and herbs too. It is all so people can profit where the bounty should be enough. Thanks for stopping by in my blogging absence, it is 5:00 am here and I treated myself to reading your blog to end a long day. I am so happy to see you with help this year. I am busy making jewellery to sell this summer as well as gardening. Chin up, democracy is only anarchy in disguise. Peace

  2. That's got my parsley in a bunch.

  3. I hope that is a joke, although it does sound real. If it is not, than what a travesty to your freedoms.

  4. Having read the second part of it I think it is indeed just an April fools joke...too darn early for jokes this morning.:)

  5. John, if it is an April fools, it would be in particularly bad taste.

    Rose, I wish democracy WAS anarchie in disguise. Unfortunately it's mind control in disguise.

  6. Indeed Mr.H! I believe they are planning something similar in your country and according to Ruralrose, this already exists in Canada. I will fight it tooth and nail if this is true.

  7. I am afraid it was a joke (posted by me)and I humbly apologise for winding you up.

    However,there was good reason for it to be as you say, "in bad taste". If you read the follow up (link pasted below), I was trying to highlight next months EU ruling about herbal medicine and shock people into finding out about it. Again sorry you got a bit caught in the cross fire. Interestingly though it has helped to higlight some of the positively ludicrous laws we have across the world.

    Anyway, here is the link....

  8. You had me worried, Heiko, but it looks as though it doesn't apply to food, 'only' to herbal medicines. Just as ridiculous a law, but at least you can carry on your wild food series, I'm glad to hear.

  9. I can't sell anything not cooked in a certified, licensed approved kitchen, same goes for meat and milk and herbs too.

    Yes and no. There seems to be no trouble selling jams and jellies or baked goods. Yes, dairy products are a problem. Milk and milk products have to be pasteurised and eggs have to be graded although I do see lots of eggs that aren't graded. Meat doesn't seem to be a problem as long as it has been slaughtered at a licensed abattoir.

    Farmers markets are thriving here in Canada, exploding in fact so the regulators generally haven't had much impact. As more and more people are drawn to farmers markets because of concern about where there food is coming from and what has been done to it, perhaps they will put pressure on to keep farmer's markets "free" and an alternative to corporate food.

    As for herbal medicines, well that's a subject all by itself........
