
Thursday, 8 April 2010

this 'n' that

I'm a bit busy with other things at the moment, so again just a quick post with a few photos from the last week or so.

First the kitten photo of the week: Kittens at 2 weeks. They now have their eyes open, except Cruyff, who has only opened one eye.

...followed swiftly by.... our puppy photo of the week! Yep one of those 10 day old little worms has got our name on it! They are Beagles, so thinking ahead I was thinking of Snoopy. I'd have to get him flying goggles and a leather helmet. Alternatively Gigi, as in Gigi Buffon the goalkeeper of the Italian national team to complete our football team. Susan wants to call him Ben. Any other suggestions out there?

And here's the Mama.

on the land the figs are coming on,

the cherries are in flower,

closely followed by the apples,

the kiwi leaves are sprouting. Although in previous years they've always made a good start to then slow right down and refuse to flower or give us fruit. Maybe this year?

and finally the potatoes are breaking through the ground. So all looking good.

Next week I promise you the next instalment of the wild food of the month series.


  1. Wonderful sunlight, and it looks as though everything is blooming - kittens, puppies and fruit trees!

  2. Oh the kittens are coming along nicely, and the puppies are beautiful...I like the name snoopy. Are you definitely having a boy? How about Beckham or Rooney...staying with the football theme?
    My fig trees are looking good too. I was trying to take pics of the garden this morning...but..oh well..see my latest post...

  3. Ayak, we already have a Rooney, the mother of the kittens. And yes, I have requested a boy, but he hasn't checked on the sex of the puppies yet. We'll go over ervery now and then and one no doubt, will emerge as the favourite.

  4. The kittens and puppy dogs look adorable, you will have your hands full. When I was a lad there was a dog on the TV box called Benji, he was small but very brave...sorry that's all I gotin the way of names. Oh, there is a book called "Where the Red Fern Grows" about a boy and his two hunting dogs...there names where Dan and Anne.

    I am always amazed (envious) at what a variety of fruits you are able to grow. Apples, kiwi, and figs all in the same neat.

    Our potatoes will be planted in 2-3 weeks with any luck, yours are looking good.

  5. Well, no luck with kiwis so far... although they do grow around here. I planted them 4 years ago, maybe I just have to be more patient. I have a feeling they don't like our heavy clayey soil.

    Benji...? hmmm, I like it. Especcially since the Italians don't feel a wrod is complete if it doesn't end in vowel.

  6. figs already? wow. I think you are ahead in gardening than us in the East Coast. Good for you!

  7. WF, Well the figs are obviously not ready yet. We see to get 2 crops off this variety, one in June and another one in August September.
