
Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Tree count

Just a brief bulletin today. We were out in Arcola today, planting out some more red peppers from indoors and a few aubergines. Just for fun I thought I’ll do a complete stock take of all our trees and shrubs on the 18 terraces of our plot in Arcola. Not all of them are fully productive, some because they had been neglected for so long, others because I have only recently planted them or have sowed themselves out. This is the result: 15 olives trees, 11 cherries (sweet & sour), 11 plums (mostly yellow, one purple), 8 grapevines, 7 oak trees (firewood), 4 pear trees, 4 fig trees, 3 apple trees, 3 gnarled rosebushes, 3 pine trees (Christmas trees planted out), 3 kiwi vines, 2 peach trees, 2 apricot trees, 2 almond trees, 2 bay trees and one each of the following: a sweet chestnut, a kaki, a lemon, a kumquat, a loquat, an elm tree, a hazel shrub, a willow tree (for using the rods to tie down vines and make baskets) and a walnut tree. Altogether 89 non-movable plants. I may do the same at Villa in the next few days.

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