
Sunday, 6 April 2008

McDonald's Survey

The weather the last few days has been really nice, so much so that even have exposed my nobbly knees to the world. We’ve got a lot of work done clearing the rapidly encroaching herbage in bothe Arcola and Villa with the strimmer. Today James and Alison from Northampton arrived in Italy again and predictably… with them the rains came back. Mind you I’m not complaining; the things we have sown and planted could do with a bit of a soaking.

On my fears of McDonald’s arriving, Susan did a survey amongst her kids at the school, to see how imminent the danger of the end of the Italian food culture is. The results were quite encouraging. The food of La Mamma is still very much the favourite. Most liked to cook themselves, especially the girls and most were concerned about eating healthily, again more so the girls. It looks like traditional roles of the girls doing the cooking still seem to exist. Whilst most had eaten at McDonald’s before and liked it, there is a significant percentage that does not intend to eat at all there, whilst more than half only intend to eat there occasionally. On the subject of previous visits, significantly more girls than boys have never been before, reinforcing the notion that Italian boys tend to be spoiled. Have a look at the full results. I would welcome comments.

Total Surveyed: 177 aged 13-15 years

Favourite Foods:
40.9% pizza
17.3% pasta (including spaghetti with various sauces)
11.4% chips
11% Lasagna
Only one person named McDonald’s

Which in your opinion is the best cuisine?
91% Italian
3.7% American

Where do you like to eat most?
69% prefer the cooking of “La Mamma”, eating at home.
1.1% prefer Granny’s cooking and one person likes to eat with friends
The remainder prefer to eat out with 17.4% naming various “Trattorie” or “Pizzerie”
2.7% named McDonald’s as their favourite place to eat.
The rest was a mixture of Mexican restaurants, Asian restaurants, French Restaurant and a Four Star restaurant(don’t we all…)

Do you like to cook yourself?
Total: 70.6% do cook
Boys: 55.7% do cook
Girls: 85.9% like to cook

What do you cook?
Most mentioned was pasta (23.5%). Second came cake (19.7%), although mostly by girls. Pizza was third with 15.8%. 9.3% had no preference or liked to cook “everything”. Other dishes mentioned were, rice, egg dishes, meat, hamburgers, hot dogs, desserts, fish, chips, crepes, couscous, salad, soup vegetables, toast and Croc Madame.

Were you aware, that a McDonald’s is about to open in Sarzana?
89.8% were aware of the new Mc Donald’s

Have you ever eaten in McDonald’s? if yes, how often?
13.1% never
42.6% once or twice
33.5% 3-10 times
10.8% more often
5.1% never
45.6% once or twice
39.2% 3-10 times
10.1% more often
18.7% never
40.7% once or twice
28.6% 3-10 times
12.1% more often

Did you like the food?
91.5% of those who had been to McDonald’s liked the food.

Now that there is going to be a McDonald’s in Sarzana, how often do you think you will eat there?
17% never
59.1% occasionally
14.2% once a month
6.8% once a week
2.9% more often
No significant difference between boys and girls.

Is eating a well balanced, healthy diet important to you?
67.4% answered yes, 14.3% no and 18.3% weren’t sure.
Only 48% of boys answered yes, 26.6% no and 25.3 weren’t sure
85.9% of girls though a healthy diet is important, 3.3% did not thinks so and 10.9% weren’t sure.

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